Darlene and I spent the day shopping on her birthday and we bought a fun new board game. Not exactly monopoly. It has quite a few more pieces and was designed by a math professor. Anyway the playing pieces are a thick cardboard that came in the grid you see before Darlene's face. We were sitting in Starbucks checking out the new game and she held the grid up in front of her face and I loved the framing it created and took a few shots. The light was great coming in through the window and created the right amount of drama. I decided to de-saturate the first image as like most photographers that can't get the color to work out correctly just remove it.

This image the color cooperated with me so no de-saturation. I love the look she is giving me to. Kind of serious and kind of playful. She just may sucker punch you or tickle you. Either way she keeps me guessing and helps keep life fun and interesting.