These images were processed using instant coffee as the film developer. The coffee process increased the contrast in the film and added a slight tone to the film. Thanks to specialty color services for the workshop.
Alright this one is not as creative as the TV one but it has been awhile since I have done a movie. This movie just shows my drive from Oak View to Santa Barbara. Thanks to AJ for letting me borrow some of his equipment to put the camera on the outside of the truck. As soon as I can get some new software I will try some more movies.
I had trouble finding this movie file. It was not on any of my hard drives and I was beginning to wonder if I would have to call my mom to send me the copy I had sent her. I finally found a DVD that was tucked away in the back of a file box. So here is a little conceptual piece called TV birth to death. Enjoy and tell me what you think.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Here is a beautiful Chevy Nova. Thanks to Jerry Nelson the builder.
Hello World, Well this should be interesting setting up a blog and utilizing it as a test for a final website. I am not always that much of a talker, but sometimes you just can not get me to shut the heck up. I will be posting images from my revised portfolio soon. So stay tuned.
I am a professional photographer in the Grand Rapids, MI region. I enjoy digital and film photography and am doing more digital short movie making in the form of Cinema-graphs. I have enjoyed doing some oil paintings in the past as well as singing in a barber shop group when I was in high school (can't carry a note in a bucket today).
Currently I am a professional photographer in Grand Rapids, MI with abilties in digital and black & white film photography. I am introducing a new service of Cinema-graphs which are the next level of GIF images as part of my offerings. Cinema-graphs are simple images where only one part of the image is moving, unlike a GIF image where which is a short looped movie or clip.